tisdag 25 februari 2014

Today we arraived in Santa Monica California. I have been in Los Angeles a couple of times before and I really love this city so it´s really nice to get back.

When you see this sign you feel both releafed and a little bit sad, you feel releafed because we had been in the car for three weeks and it gets quite boring after awhile.
It feels sad because all the things we experienced is over, all the diffrent land landscapes we been driving trough, like i said in the beginning it´s not many people who get to experience a sunrise in the new mexico desert.
You cant really put a price on those things the things you get to see.
If you are like me and love cars this is the best driving experience money can buy, you and a car driving trough 7 states and 3939 kilometers of asphalt roads with barley no cars on it, for me that is life,
and with a car like our little red Corvette on roads like this it couldn´t get any better.
So i feel both releafed and sad, actually i feel more sad I will miss the early mornings in the mountains and deserts, and all the citys in so diffrent conditions.
I dont know what it is with ghost towns but they impresses me, it looks like all the people who lived there just stood up and left.
It´s been an amazing journey and I would recommend it to everybody who loves to expreience diffrent climate and diffrent landscapes combined with both big and small citys.

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